The Division of Scientific Affairs, in cooperation with the Division of Postgraduate Studies, has established a scientific seminar for postgraduate students entitled: (Mechanism of scientific paper publication) in which Dr. Shakir Abdel Karim Fadil, and Dr. Imad Mu ‘aid Jassim …
Under Sponsorship by of the President of Diyala University, Prof. Abdelmonim Abbas Kerim, and under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Prof. Khalifa Ibrahim Al-Tamimi, Faculty of Law and Political Science organizes a …
The Journal of the Faculty of Law and Political Science succeeded in achieving about (32) Accreditation Criteria at Arabic Digital Database Arcif .
Evening registration officials at our College continue the enrolment procedure of applications for the evening study in accordance with the required regulations and instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
The Council of the Faculty of Law and Political Science headed by Pro. Dr. Khalifa Ibrahim Odeh held its regular session during which the council members reviewed the instructions of the President of the University and the instructions of the …
The distinguished Iraqi Council of Ministers issued its decree No. 169 for the year 2022, which include: “AllowingMinistries, entities which are not associated with a ministry, and governorates which government properties have been allocated to (land, construction or both) to …
حضور السيد معاون العميد للشؤون المالية والادارية المدرس الدكتور (محمد كاظم)المحترم تختتم كليتنا دورتها بالامتحان التحريري لموظفي الكلية (دورة الترفيع الوظيفي) ليوم الاثنين الموافق 11/9/2022 وذلك على احد القاعات الدراسية في الكلية .
بمتابعة مستمرة من قبل السيد عميد كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية الاستاذ الدكتور (خليفة ابراهيم عودة) المحترم إستمرار الامتحانات في أقسام الكلية .حيث اشاد السيد العميد باللجان المسؤولة على الامتحانات بما تقدمه من تسهيل سير الامتحانات لطلبتنا الاعزاء.متمنياً لهم النجاح والتفوق …
First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news …
First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news First new temporary news …