Personal Status law umber 57 Modification and its Effect on Iraqi Society
The Rehabilitation and Employment Division of the Faculty of Law and Political Science held a symposium on (Personal Status law umber 57 modification and its effect on Iraqi society) for students from the Law Department. The symposium which was presented by Dr. Bakr Abbas Ali aimed at highlight the mothers right to custody and rasing of the child in the event of marriage and after division, unless the child is affected. The symposium indicated that this modification granted the right to transfer the child's custody right from the mother to the father after reaching the age of seven, unlike the applicable law, which grants the mother this right until the child reaches the age of 15.
In addition, the symposium discussed the effect of the modification on Iraqi society in its positive and sometimes negative aspects, adding that according to the results of the surveys, custody should be equal between the father and the mother, as is the case in comparative legislation, so that the child is not harmed by the fact that one of his parents is not seen once and for all.