Faculty Council shall exercise the following powers for the conduct of the work of the college to achieve their goals.
First: Scientific Powers:
1. Putting the college policy along with the Public Policy of the University in order to achieve its mission.
2. Preparing plans of the admission for graduate and postgraduate studies and plans in the upper sections of the College.
3. Preparing scientific research plan, writing and translating for overall college sections.
4- Recommendation for opening new scientific departments and branches or collaborating or abolishing them.
5. Recommendation for opening higher studies at the college.
6. Consideration for the scientific departments plans for inviting professors for scientific conferences and seminars, deputations and scientific full-time leave for scholarships inside and outside the country and recommendation to the President of University, Rector, for obtaining the approval.
7- Ratification of headlines of thesis and dissertations for higher Studies and approve the nomination of supervisors on postgraduate studies and the designation the members of the committees discussion.
8- Nominating committee members of comprehensive exam for PhD students.
9. Reconsidering research methods of graduate and preliminary studies periodically and distributing them to studying stages.
10- Approving the results of the exams for graduate and preliminary studies after handing them over by the scientific sections and branches of the college.
11- Approving the final exam schedules after handing them over by the scientific sections and branches.
12. Approving the scientific promotion for a faculty member (instructor and Prof. assistant ) and submitting them to the university campus for the issuance of the order.
13- Submitting recommendation to the president of the university for promoting faculty members to the rank of professorship after the completion of procedures by the Committee of Scientific promotions in the college.
14- Approving the postponement of the academic year for the students of the college after providing the required convincing justifications and documents.
15. Approving the first extension for graduate students (six months) by the recommendation of the board of the department.
16- Submitting recommendation to the president of the university to approve second and third extension for postgraduate students according to a suggestion from the board of the department or the scientific section of the college.
17- Assigning recommendation to nominate the faculty members and lecturers for postgraduate studies as necessity and the period specified by the departments and branches.
18. Holding scientific and cultural agreements with the corresponding colleges inside and outside the country and submitting them to the university for approval.
Second: the administrative powers:
1- Overseeing the affairs of the college and pursuing its scientific, cultural, artistic and sports activities.
2- Preparing the College staff for the next academic year in the second semester of the current academic year in accordance with the proposal of the Dean and Department councils and branches.
3-Reconsidering the titles of technical and administrative employees within the staff endorsed by the college.
4. Reconsidering the college staff periodically.
5. Constituting committees to help the employees performing their scientific, administrative and educational tasks.
Imposing disciplinary sanctions on students.
6. Punishing faculty staff and employees with one of the penalties as a result of violating the laws and regulations in force.
7- Nullifying the penalties imposed on faculty staff and employees since their purposes being met.
8. Revoking the penalties imposed on faculty staff after being unjustified.
9. Referring any of the employees of the college to the competent courts as a result of violating the provisions of the law.
10- Extending the service of (Professor, Assistant Professor) when they reach the legal age for a period of one year and renewed three times.
Third: the financial powers:
1. Suggesting the annual budget and the investment plan for college and being submitted to the Rector for unification with other colleges and institutes plans and handing them over to the University Council for approval.
2. Endorsing the closing accounts of College.
3. Reviewing the report of Financial Monitor, discussing and expressing an opinion on the notes stated therein.
4- Authorizing some powers to the dean of the college.
translated by Rafal Gazy