Instructions for scientific promotion at universities and technical institutes
Chapter I
Conditions for scientific promotions
Article 1.
If a teacher is awarded a teacher, one of the next conditions is required:
To hold a doctorate or the scientific equivalent thereof or to hold the highest degree of science, art, technical or professional in disciplines in which no doctorate or scientific equivalent is granted, provided that the length of study for this degree is not reduced to three years after the initial university degree.
Having held the rank of assistant teacher at an Iraqi university or body of technical institutes for at least three years, during which time he obtained a rate of 70% in the course of the course of the training evaluation form, during which he published at least two valuable scientific papers, one of which was unique.
Article 2
Anyone who amounts to an assistant professor shall be required to meet the following conditions:
Having held the rank of teacher at an Iraqi university or body of technical institutes for at least four years;
During the period mentioned in paragraph 1, he or she shall have received at least a 70% rate in the training performance evaluation form.
During the period mentioned in paragraph 1, three valuable scientific research was published at least alone.
Article 3.
A teacher must meet the following conditions:
Having held the rank of assistant professor at an Iraqi university or body of technical institutes for at least six years;
During the period mentioned in paragraph 1, he or she shall have received at least a 80% rate in the training performance evaluation form.
During the period mentioned in paragraph 1, three original scientific research was published at least alone.
Article 4.
The President of the University, the Head of the Technical Institutes, the President of the Higher Authority for Medical Specialties, the Assistant Rector, the Dean, the Director of the Centre, the Associate Dean, the Head of the Scientific Centre, and the staff of the Ministry, University or Authority shall be deemed to be in the scientific order required by the paragraph. and (ii) of articles 3.2 of these instructions if he holds an original position for no less than half the time he should spend before applying for promotion to a higher rank.
Article 5.
Research and literature submitted for scientific promotion shall be:
In the field of strict or general competence of the student of scientific promotion.
B – published or accepted for publication. One is at least published and has not been offered in any previous scientific promotion.
C. Unsuspecting from higher diploma, master’s or doctoral courses for a student of promotion.
Published within the sphere of competence of the scientific journal itself.
Completed during the current grade of student
The research or author of the first three participants shall be accredited.
An author (reference) or source that treats research in presentation and for one time in each promotion may be submitted and is equivalent to one research.
Joint research involving more than one jurisdiction is carried out by more than one expert.
Article 6.
Subject to the provisions of articles (2-3) of these instructions, research derived from higher diploma and master’s theses and doctoral courses carried out under the supervision of the promotion student may be adopted for the purposes of scientific promotion. If it is published or accepted for publication in the name of a graduate student and a student of scientific promotion, it is subject to evaluation and does not benefit from more than one paper drawn from each letter or thesis.
Article 7.
A single research given at a periodic scientific conference for the purposes of scientific promotion may be admitted if it is an entire publication within the proceedings of the conference or approved scientific journals and its compendium is not accepted for promotion purposes.
Article 8.
Private and confidential inventions and research, which are excluded from the requirement of scientific publication by order of the competent minister or by whom they are entitled for promotion purposes if they are subject to the evaluation procedures provided for in these instructions, shall not benefit from more than one confidential research for each promotion.
Chapter II
Scientific promotion procedures
Article 9.
A scientific promotion committee consisting of:
A member of the teaching body in the status of professor or assistant professor in the absence of a professor chosen by the Council of the College as President. Four members of the teaching body, with different competencies at the level of professor or assistant professor in the absence of a professor with a particular competence, are selected by the Council of the College as members.If the number of departments or branches of the College exceeds seven, the membership of the Promotion Committee shall be seven (including the Chairman) and shall be chosen by the same specifications and the manner prescribed in paragraph (i) of this article. In the absence of the required terms of reference or grade in the members of the Scientific Promotion Committee, other Iraqi universities are required to form such a committee. The Committee shall select from among its members a rapporteur. The Promotion Committee shall have a secretary, preferably from among staff members who are fluent in one of the living foreign languages. Term of office of the Committee three years renewable once.
Article 10.
A member of the teaching body may submit a request for editorial promotion to the head of the competent department or the head of the branch in colleges where there are no departments three months before the date of completion of the period required for scientific promotion. It is accompanied by four copies of each research or scientific literature. The Chief of Section or Branch shall transmit the application with research or literature attached to the Promotion Committee within one week of the date of submission of the application.
Article 11.
The request of the member of the teaching body to the Scientific Promotion Committee shall be checked, if any, to inform the head of the department within a period of not more than 15 days. If you find him eligible, all research and literature will be transferred in secret books to three experts with the competence of a student of promotion, with a long experience and a higher rank. An expert may be from the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research if he or she has the competence of a student of promotion, with high competence or long experience, and with a doctorate, other than promotion to professorship.
The Promotion Commission sends promotion research to three experts, some from outside Iraq and others from inside Iraq. Experts shall present their views within sixty days of the date of arrival of the research or literature, if no reply is received, the research and literature shall be sent to other experts with the same specifications as mentioned in the above three paragraphs of this article and for the same article. Upon receipt of the expert response, the Promotion Committee shall, within a period of up to 15 days, transfer the treatment to the Council of the Whole with recommendations for promotion and the views of the experts. The decision of the Committee shall provide a summary of the treatment to the Chairman of the Committee and the Board shall make the recommendation within a maximum of 15 days on promotion to the Central Promotion Committee of the University.
Article 12.
First, the Rector of the University shall constitute a Central Committee for Scientific Promotion composed of members of a teaching body with the rank of professor, not less than seven members and no more than eleven members and with different competencies. The term of office of the Committee shall be three years, renewable once, and the President of the University, in the absence of specializations and scientific grades, may use other universities to form such Committee.
Article 13.
The Central Committee for Scientific Promotions checks the procedures for the treatment of promotion with the preparation of a compendium containing the opinions of experts, the College Promotion Committee or the College Council with its knowledge of scientific promotion to the rector in case of promotion to the position of teacher or assistant professor to decide on promotion, and to the University Council in case of promotion to professorial status.
Article 14.
The date of promotion shall be from the date of submission of the application for promotion for the faculty member, or from the date of completion of the period required for promotion as appropriate upon completion of its requirements with no financial implications.
Article 15.
When the promotion is refused or postponed, the President of the University or the Council of the University shall notify the Dean of the College of the refusal with his reasons. The latter shall inform the student of the promotion within seven days from the date of the decision.
Chapter III
Objection to promotion procedures
Article 16.
The applicant for promotion has the right to object to the decision of rejection before the Central Objection Committee of the University and to the Country Objection Committee as competent within 30 days from the date on which he or she is notified of the decision of rejection.
Article 17.
At each University, an objection committee composed of seven members of the teaching staff shall be established at the rank of professor, representing the different competencies, one of whom shall be a law specialist selected by the Council of the University and the rector shall designate the rector. Members of the Objections Committee may not include deans or members of the Scientific Promotion Committee of the College or the Central Committee for Scientific Promotions of the University. In the absence of the required terms of reference or scientific rankings in the members of the Objections Committee, other Iraqi universities are required to form such a committee.
Article 18.
An objection committee shall be formed consisting of 11 distinguished members of the teaching staff of Iraqi universities, with the rank of professor and with different competencies, one of whom shall be a law specialist, selected at a meeting chaired by the Minister and attended by the heads of universities and the head of the body of technical institutes. The Minister shall be designated President. The Commission shall meet at the centre of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and shall have a secretary and the Commission shall select from among its members a rapporteur.
Article 19.
The quorum of the opposition committees mentioned in the preceding articles shall be completed by the presence of at least two thirds of the members and shall be taken by a majority of the number present. The term of office of these Committees shall be three years, renewable once.
Article 20.
The Central Opposition Committee of the University shall consider the objection made by the applicant to the decision of the College Council if its decision is contrary to that of the College Council. The promotion shall be dealt with by the rector for decision. The Country Objection Committee shall consider the objection submitted by the applicant for promotion to professorship, but if it finds that the objector is correct in his or her application, it shall submit its recommendations to the Council of the University for further consideration and, in this case, its decision shall be considered final.