University Performance and Quality Assurance
Tasks and Duties
1. Follow-up and implementation of the decisions issued by the Quality Assurance
Council of the University presidency.
2. Follow-up and implementing the themes of applying quality standards in the educational institution to obtain accreditation throughout the year.
3. Follow-up on the scheduled work of the committees in relation to the quality assurance work and university performance.
4. Follow-up on quarterly activities of the colleges like the participation in conferences, exhibitions, cultural festivals, seminars and courses.
5. Creation of a culture of quality and exchange of scientific experiences between the scientific departments of the college and the university departments. in addition to establishing a cooperation relationship between the colleges at the university and other universities.
6. Participation in seminars, conferences and courses on university quality assurance.
7. Assessing faculty members, staff performance and calendar file of scientific
departments, laboratory and institution’s performance.
8. Supervise the Division’s affiliates and distribute tasks among them.
9. Formulation of plans and programmes for the Division’s work.
10. Receiving the mail and refer it to the specialized departments and divisions.
11. Complete the college’s evaluation files and send them to the university.
12. Follow-up activities that contribute to the implementation of quality standards.
13. Promote the application of quality standards in the axes of the educational process (teaching axis – student axis – curriculum axis – infrastructure axis).
14. Follow up the work of scientific departments and sections in terms of quality standards.
15. Participation in conferences and seminars held by the faculty, colleges of the university and other universities within Iraq, as well as research institutions in various ministries.
16. Preparation of daily reports for half-year and end-of-year examinations.
17. Receive daily mail and submit it to the Division’s official.
18. Register mail in private records.
19. Edit the mailing notes after presenting them to the Division manager and distributing them to the special departments and divisions.
20. Printing of official books after setting up the answer from the Division’s manager and following up on its submission to the University.
21. Confidentiality in the Division’s work.
22. Attending seminars, courses and workshops held within the college, codifying the title of the seminars, courses and workshops in its register and the date of its holding, and confirming the signatures of the teachers present.
23. Organizing and cataloguing incoming, outgoing and other mail files.
24. The staff member’s own development in working on the computer and its software because of its importance in the work of the Division.
25. Electronic Archive information which includes the activities and work of the Division of Quality Assurance and University Performance, including scientific research, seminars, workshops and courses.
26. Follow-up on the Division’s devices and stationery requirements.